Progettinfanzia and the South Eastern University of Norway in Vestfold start a new collaboration. Schoolgirls observe the educational approach to early childhood through an internship

There are 14 students attending the South-Eastern University of Norway in Vestfold who, until 19 March, are carrying out an internship in various municipal infant-toddler centers and preschools in the Bassa Reggiana, between Guastalla, Boretto and Novellara.
Thanks to an agreement stipulated between the Associazione Progettinfanzia Bassa Reggiana and the Norwegian University, every year students will have the opportunity to carry out a period of professional insertion in the educational services of the territory to better understand and deepen the educational approach that makes the Reggio experience known all over the world.
“Working in a context of intercultural dialogue and openness - Camilla Verona, President of the association Progettinfanzia says - is an integral part of our educational system. Now more than ever, it is necessary to support the opportunities for exchange and relationships that we so often promote in childhood, and which are also of extreme importance in the training of adults, both in the professional and educational field and in terms of human and civic qualities. We are proud that the quality of our services makes them an example and a destination for university internships and high-level training courses. Our point of view is always one of mutual enrichment and openness to new points of view, making these exchanges an opportunity for growth for us too ".